The Stock Market Game (SMG) is an online simulation of the global capital markets that engages students grades 4-12 in the world of economics, investing and personal finance and that has prepared students for financially independent futures. Over a 10 week session, The Stock Market Game teaches students the fundamentals of personal finance and investing, while practicing skills in math, economics, social studies and other subjects. Since the SMG is tied directly to the real markets, it provides an excellent framework for discussing the impact of real world events such as business cycles, trade wars and so forth. Pictured to the left below is one of the winning teams.
"The Stock Market game was, and still is a very interesting learning opportunity. I enjoyed how realistic it was. It really made me think about important decisions that would impact my investments. I had to take information into consideration that I typically wouldn’t think about. It was a bit challenging at first, as it was a new environment. However, once I got the hang of it, it was quite enjoyable. I was very encouraged by my teacher as I learned from her. I had a lot of support throughout the whole process. Developing my portfolio was a big deal to me. I wanted to make sure that I took everything into consideration. As the markets are always changing, I needed to make sure I picked a stock that everyone was still into and could potentially always invest more."
Student of Cynthia Lofts
Oregon Charter Academy, Mill City
August 2024
"I teach at an alternative high school, where I have many students who haven't found success in a traditional academic setting. At my school I struggle to find ways to connect the content of my courses to my students and their interests. One of the reasons I've enjoyed teaching with the Stock Market Game is that each term I invariably have a handful of students who are really interested in the stock market and they will engage with this activity. They love that the game uses real-world data, so everything happening in it connects to the same events they see in the real world. Sometimes, I am really surprised teaching the Stock Market Game because students who have never engaged in my class before will become some of my standout students. This engagement can often become the foundation for a turnaround with these students: I can ask these students to help classmates and this can help begin to make them think of themselves as good students. That change in mindset can be powerful and pave the way for future academic success".
Anthony Rimel
Ralston Academy, Lebanon
April 2022
“The stock market game has served as a first step in learning about the difference in banking entities and how one can build wealth outside of a regular 9-5 job. They learn the basics of the equity markets and how to operate within them. By the end of the experience their conversational skills around financial markets and vocabulary expand from a point of knowing practically nothing up to being literate in understanding the daily nuances of market behavior and the relationship with the greater world around us”.
Isaac Bass
Newport High School, Newport
August 2024
There are three games we offer during the school year; a fall competitive game, spring competitive game and a 7 month competitive game. In addition, during the fall and spring we also offer enrichment games. Dates:
Year Long Competitive game: Sept 9, 2024 - April 11, 2025
Fall Games
Competitive: Sept 30 - Dec 6, 2024
Enrichment: Oct 14 - Jan 31, 2025
Spring Games
Competitive: Jan 21- April 11, 2025
Enrichment I: Feb 3 - May 30, 2025
Enrichment II: March 3 - May 30, 2025
Enrichment III: April 14 - Jun 6, 2025
Year Long 2023 - 24
Elementary School: First place; McNary Heights Elementary School, Teacher; Christine Estrella
Middle School; First place, Ninety One School, Teacher, Tanya Boss; Second and Third place, Riverdale School , Teacher, Todd Migchelbrink
High School; First place, Sandy High School, Teacher, Todd DeJong; Second place; Grant High School, Teacher; Shelah Kelso; Third place, Newport High School, Teacher, Isaac Bass
Spring 2024
Elementary School: No entries
Middle School; First place, Whitford Middle School, Teacher, Lanie Toth; Second and Third place, Riverdale School, Teacher, Todd Migchelbrink
High School; First and Second place, Mckenzie River Community School Teacher, Peter Drake, Third place; Riverside Junior / Senior High School, Teacher; Chris Hull
Fall 2024
Elementary School; First, second and third place; Silver Rail Elementary School; Teacher; Todd Jacobson
Middle School; First and second place, McKenzie River Community School Teacher, Peter Drake; Third place, Winterhaven School, Teacher, Pete Madden
High School; First place, Liberty High School, Teacher, Amy Fifth-Lince; Second place, McKay High School, Teacher, Mark Still and Third place, McKenzie River Community School, Teacher, Peter Drake
InvestWrite®, is an innovative national writing competition. It complements The Stock Market Game, a program of the SIFMA Foundation.
The teacher-designed writing component and competition, reinforces students newfound knowledge and hones critical thinking skills. The InvestWrite competition builds a bridge between classroom learning and the real world. InvestWrite complements The Stock Market Game learning experience and easily integrates across subjects throughout your curriculum. For further information, please go to;
Spring 2024
Jamie LeClair, fifth place, nationally , McKenzie River Community School; teacher, Peter Drake
Lillia Meister, first place, OR, McKenzie River Community School; teacher, Peter Drake